CBS/FLJC |Donate


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If you prefer, you can mail your donation to the Center office.
Congregation B’nai Sholom/Fair Lawn Jewish Center
10-10 Norma Avenue
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410



Your donation to our synagogue is an investment in this home that we share.

Donations like yours enable our synagogue to continue offering our services and programming and help us to plan for our bright future. Your gift helps fund our daily services, our child and adult education programs, our clergy and staff, our building, and our ability to serve the greater community with acts of hesed (“lovingkindness”). We would like to extend our gratitude to you for considering a donation to Congregation B’nai Sholom/Fair Lawn Jewish Center. 

Every gift to our community, of any amount and for any occasion, is valued and appreciated. Whether you are donating in honor of a joyous occasion or in a loved one or friend’s memory, your tribute enables our community to continue our work and service. Thank you for your generosity.


Building for tomorrow. Every gift counts!

To fund our future in perpetuity, we grow our endowment so its income covers the unexpected. Consider a gift to provide for the future of Congregation B’nai Sholom/Fair Lawn Jewish Center by making the synagogue a beneficiary in your estate planning.